902 Eagle Heights
A mediados de agosto nos trasladamos a un nuevo departamentito que queda en la zona residencial universitaria llamada "Eagle Heights." El departamentito esta muy bonito y el lugar es ideal para nosotros, tranquilo, con arboles alrededor de las casas, un centro comunitario y nuestro jardin ahi mismo. A traves de este email les daremos un poquenio tour por la casa, y ojala puedan venir a visitarnos (tenemos un cuarto de huespedes, que aun no lo hemos puesto entre las fotos del tour, pues es donde estan todos nuestros cachivachis!!)
Around mid-August we moved to a new apartment at the UW students' residences called "Eagle Heights." The apartment is quite nice and the place is ideal for both of us, quiet, with trees around the buildings, a community center and our garden is right here too. Through this email we will take you for a little tour of the house, and hopefully you can come for a visit (we have a guest room, which we haven't included in these pictures since all our "stuff" is there right now).
The living room, kitchen and bathroom :: La sala, cocina y el banio
Our bedroom and that is where we work on the computer as well :: Nuestra habitacion y donde ambos trabajamos en la computadora
Here are pictures of the outside and the community center :: Aqui van fotos de afuera de la casa y del centro comunitario
A mediados de agosto nos trasladamos a un nuevo departamentito que queda en la zona residencial universitaria llamada "Eagle Heights." El departamentito esta muy bonito y el lugar es ideal para nosotros, tranquilo, con arboles alrededor de las casas, un centro comunitario y nuestro jardin ahi mismo. A traves de este email les daremos un poquenio tour por la casa, y ojala puedan venir a visitarnos (tenemos un cuarto de huespedes, que aun no lo hemos puesto entre las fotos del tour, pues es donde estan todos nuestros cachivachis!!)
Around mid-August we moved to a new apartment at the UW students' residences called "Eagle Heights." The apartment is quite nice and the place is ideal for both of us, quiet, with trees around the buildings, a community center and our garden is right here too. Through this email we will take you for a little tour of the house, and hopefully you can come for a visit (we have a guest room, which we haven't included in these pictures since all our "stuff" is there right now).
The living room, kitchen and bathroom :: La sala, cocina y el banio
Our bedroom and that is where we work on the computer as well :: Nuestra habitacion y donde ambos trabajamos en la computadora
Here are pictures of the outside and the community center :: Aqui van fotos de afuera de la casa y del centro comunitario