Saturday, December 10, 2005

December news...

Como pueden ver hay mucha nieve por aqui, dicen que desde 1972 no nevaba tanto a estas fechas! A parte de la nieve, la otra buena noticia es que Leila encontro trabajo y comenzo con su entrenamiento el pasado lunes, tiene aun dos semanas mas para entrenarse y aprender los gajes del oficio y luego estara lista para hacer su trabajo: con una compañia de telefonos donde basicamente ayuda con "subtitulos" en ingles o español para aquellas personas que no pueden oir bien o son sordos, de tal manera que pueden tener una conversacion como cualquier otro individuo!! Ahi esta la foto del edificio donde trabaja y todas estas mañanas ha estado limpiando el auto... y ahi esta una de nuestras ventanas, totalmente congelada :D

As you may have noticed, there is plenty of snow over here, they said that they didn't have that much at this time of year since 1972! Beside the snow, the other good news is that Leila found a job and started training last monday, she still has two more weeks of training and learning the tricks of this job, then she will be ready to do her work: with a phone company where she is basically "captioning" in English or Spanish the calls for those people who are hard of hearing or deaf, in order to be able to have a normal conversation as anyone else!! There is the picture of the building where she is working and every morning she has been cleaning the car... and here is one of our windows, totally frosted :D

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Happy Birthday Nuri :D

Yesterday was Nuri's birthday, before celebrating it going to the movies, he opened all his gifts and I sang for him on behalf of all of you!!!

PS: Finally we placed our latest photos and activities in this blog space, hopefully we will be able to keep it updated ;)


Ayer fue el cumple de Nuri y antes de ir al cine para celebrarlo, el abrio todos sus regalos y yo.. ¡le cante en nombre de todos ustedes!!

PD: Finalmente colocamos aqui en este blog todas nuestras fotos y anecdotas, esperamos que podremos mantenerlo actualizado ;)


Our Thanksgiving week/weekend was quite wonderful, the previous weekend to it we visited Nuri's parents and attended Paul & Anastasia's wedding, enjoyed the warmth of the family and friends, and the snow and cold weather!

Ruhiyyih and Nancy came to be with us in Madison during the week and we spent it shopping [is there anything better ?? ;)] and during the weekend we were in Chicago with Mehran & Mery and their twins, Yasmin and Nasrin, visited the Temple, downtown, ate kabab and just had fun in Spanglish!!!


Nuestra semana/fin de semana durante la Accion de Gracias fue espectacular, el fin de semana antes de esta celebracion visitamos a los padres de Nuri y participamos de la boda de Paul & Anastasia, disfrutamos del calor familiar, ¡ademas de la nieve y el frio!

Ruhiyyih y Nancy vinieron a pasar a semana con nosotros en Madison y la pasamos de compras [¿acaso existe algo mejor? ;)] y durante el fin de semana estuvimos en Chicago con Mehran & Mery y sus mellizas, Yasmin y Nasrin, visitamos el Templo, el centro, comimos kabab y la pasamos bien ¡en Espangles!

Chinese Food!!!

We love Chinese Food, and here Lua is teaching us how to prepare dumplings and Zach and Hadi are preparing the real thing!! :D IT WAS YUMMMMIIIIIEEEE...

:: Halloween ::

Aqui van fotos durante Halloween... la primera foto es afuera de nuestra casa, los dias estan comenzando a sentirse mas fri-ingos. Es tambien primera vez que Leila esta en un lugar donde realmente se celebra esta fiesta y esta es la primera calabaza que ella preparo para decorar nuestra casa ;)

Here are some photos during Halloween... the first picture is outside our house, the days are starting to be cooler. It is also the first time that Leila was somewhere where they really celebrate this party and this is the first pumpkin she ever carved to decorate our home ;)

Pumpkin patch!!

Also during this fall we went for a pumpkin patch... and that was quite nice. We went to a Norvegian farm, which also had berries and apples, so we picked some apples and ate some berries in our way through the trees!! :D

Elyse and Lua & Hadi got big pumpkins, we got a smallish one, but we got lots of other things, like squash (different kinds) and a whole bag of apples, with which we had enough for apple sauce, apple crisp, pies... and Nuri ate lots during his lunch at work or at the university!


Tambien durante este otoño fuimos a cosechar calabazas... y fue bastante agradable. Fuimos a una finca Noruega, la cual tambien tenia fresas y manzanas, asi que cosechamos algunas manzanas y comimos algunas fresas mientras caminabamos entre los arboles!! :D

Elyse y Lua & Hadi cogieron grandes calabazas, nosotros nos llevamos una pequeña, pero cogimos muchisimas otras cosas, varios otros tipos de calabazas y una bolsanga de manzanas, con las cuales hicimos pure de manzana, tarta de manzana, pay... y Nuri comio muchas durante sus almuerzos en el trabajo o en la universidad!

Our Fall :: Nuestro Otoño

En algunos paises, el otoño es una estacion muy marcada pues las hojas cambian de colores y sus tonos son tan bellos que pareciera mentira que las hojas en realidad estan muriendo, pareciera que como ultimo acto de servicio deciden dar belleza a nuestros ojos y luego ofrecerse como regalo a la tierra, armando alfombras de tonos terrunos. Durante nuestro otoño participamos de la Convencion Regional y para ello viajamos a Iowa, que queda al suroeste de Wisconsin.

Somos muy afortunados de tener en Madison a Lua & Hadi Yaganagi, una pareja de amigos que conocimos en el Centro Mundial, a quienes visitamos todos los miercoles para reuniones devocionales y con quienes hemos compartido varias aventuras, por ejemplo este viaje a Iowa, al que tambien se nos unio Elyse, una joven baha'i que esta haciendo su PhD e investigando curas contra el cancer... no solamente una persona brillante e inteligente, pero muy dulce y llena de energias.

Una noche la pasamos en Iowa, otra la pasamos en la frontera con Wisconsin donde el Rio Mississippi se une al Rio de Wisconsin... bellisimo!! :) pueden ver el parque donde nos quedamos en esta direccion:


In some countries, autum is a quite outstanding season since the leaves change their colors and their tones are so beautiful that seems unreal to think that the leaves are dying, it seems that they decided as their last act of service to give beauty to our eyes and then, offer themselves as a gift to the earth, fabricating carpets with earth colors. During fall we participated of the Unit Convention (Regional Convention for some countries) and for it we went to Iowa, at the south-west of Wisconsin.

We are very lucky to have Lua & Hadi Yaganagi in Madison, a couple we met in the World Centre, who we visit every Wednesday for devotional meetings and with who we have shared many adventures, such as this trip to Iowa, to which also Elyse joined us, a young Baha'i lady that is doing ther PhD and researching cures for cancer... not only she is brilliant and inteligent, but she is very sweet and full of energy!

We spent one night in Iowa, and another near the fronteer with Wisconsin where the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers meet... gorgeous!! :) you may see the park where we stayed at this link: