Friday, October 13, 2006

Noemi Robiati

Last weekend we went to Chicago, we were able to visit the Temple and meet there a dear friend from Italy, Noemi. We also met with Mithaq and Sina. Noemi as always contaged all of us with her radiant happy spirit, and even the day became sunny and bright! We had lunch in an Indian neighborhood and later we went to Lake Forest College -where Mithaq and Sina go to school- and attended a Fair where the Baha'is had a stand representing their Baha'i Club (and served tea to everyone). We were able to see various cultural dances and had a great day. Here are some pictures ;)


El pasado fin de semana fuimos a Chicago y visitamos el Templo, nos encontramos alli con una querida amiga de Italia, Noemi. Tambien estuvimos con Mithaq y Sina Vahedi. Noemi como siempre nos contagio con su espiritu radiante y alegre, a tal punto que hasta el dia se puso soleado y resplandeciente! Almorzamos en el barrio Indio y luego fuimos al Lake Forest College -donde Mithaq y Sina estan estudiando- y participamos de una feria donde los Baha'is tenian un stand representando su Club Universitario (y ellos servian te para todos los que pasaban por alli). Presenciamos varios bailes culturales y tuvimos un lindo dia, aqui van algunas fotos nuestras :)

The refurbishing of the building of the Temple and its fountains is going wonderfully, we could admire the restoration work and the beauty of the gardens that day.
La restauracion del edificio del Templo y sus fuentes esta yendo de maravillas, ese dia pudimos admirar el trabajo de restauracion y los bellos jardines.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Cedar Rapids - Iowa

It has been quite a while since we last updated our blog. We have been quite busy, studying, working or being involve with activities in our community; and we haven't had time to share all this with you.

Nuri has started looking for a job, so when he finishes his masters in May next year, he is all set to start working somewhere. One of the places he went for an interview is Cedar Rapids, and during that weekend he was able to visit the town and bring pictures for Leila to see. Here is a picture of the Baha'i Center in this town, and hopefully soon we can go for a visit so Leila gets to have a feel for the area.


Hace mucho tiempo que no actualizamos nuestro blog. Hemos estado bastante bien y ocupados con el estudio, trabajo y las actividades en nuestra comunidad, y lo sentimos que no hemos compartido mucho al respecto, todo pasa rapido y no nos alcanza el tiempo para ponernos al dia!!

Nuri ha aplicado a varias empresas, asi cuando termina su maestria en mayo ya tendra un trabajo en donde comenzar y lo mas probable es que este estara fuera de Madison. El fui a una entrevista en Cedar Rapids, en el estado de Iowa, y durante ese fin de semana visito la ciudad y trajo fotos para que Leila vea. Aqui hay una foto del centro Baha'i en dicha localidad y ojala pronto vayamos de visita, asi Leila se puede dar una idea de como es por alla.