Brigadeiro :: Brazilian Truffles
This is one of the most amazing things on earth, called Brigadeiro and originally from Brazil, it is just so sweet and smooth, at the same time chocolaty and chewy, that you will long for it once you have tasted it!
Easy to make, just mix in a pot on medium heat a can of condense mil, two spoons of butter (or margerine) and two spoons of cocoa powder! Stir it with no interruption until becomes sticky and hardy, detaching itself from the bottom of the pot.
Make balls once it cools down, and cover them with sparkles or grounded nuts.
Todos saben lo espectacular que son los brigadeiros... asi que voy directo al grano: la receta! Es re-facil, en una ollita sobre fuego medio, mezclar una lata de leche condensada con dos cuacharas de mantequilla (o margarina) y dos cucharas de chocolate en polvo. No parar de batir hasta que endure y quede pegajosito, en una masa que se desprende del fondo de la olla. Hacer bolitas una vez enfrie y cubrirlas con nueces o chocolate granulado!! :)
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