El fin de semana pasado empezamos nuestro jardincito, o sea comenzamos plantando algunos vegetales en nuestra casa. Hemos alquilado un pedacito de terreno en un jardin comunitario [cerca de donde nos mudaremos en agosto] y compramos muchisimas semillitas, tenemos pimentones, repollo, zucchini, espinacas, berenjenas, pepinos, vainitas, bocoli, unas cosas que le gustan a Nuri, hierbas persas para Leila, dos tipos de tomates, todo tipo de lechugas, meloncito y unas cuantas cosas mas que no nos acordamos, pero que seran todos plantado en Abril y de ahi, listos para comer!! :)
Last weekend we started our little garden, well, that is we started planting few veggies in our house. We got a plot in a community garden [close to where we will move next August] and we bought lots of seeds of sweet pepper, cabbage, zucchini, spinach, eggplant, cucumber, peas, broccoli, arugula, rutabaga, some Persian herbs such as dill and basil, a couple kinds of tomatos, all kind of lettuce, cantalope, and a couple more things we can't think of now, but all to be planted in April and eaten as soon as they are ready!! :)
Asi que comenzamos a plantar algunas de estas semillas dentro de casa, aquellas que toman un poco mas tiempo en estar listas para dar fruto. Aqui hay algunas fotos de algunas plantitas germinando despues de algunos dias (2 para ser exactos!)
So, we started few of the plants in our home, those that take a bit longer to be ready for production. Here are few pictures of some of them starting to come out after some days (2 exactly!)
Estas plantas son de brocolo, las que germinaron primero; luego les siguieron los repollos. Son tan similares, casi identicas, que si no las hubieramos identificado escribiendo cual es cual, no sabriamos!
These are the broccoli plants, which germinated first; and soon after the cabbage plants followed them. They are so similar, identical almost, and if wouldn't have written what was what, we wouldn't know!
Estas fotos son de hoy, ya los repollitos y brocolis tienen unos 6,5 cm!! :D
These pictures are from today, already the cabbage and broccoli plants are about 2 inches or 6,5 cm tall.
Tambien hoy dia una de las plantas de tomates (tipo jelly-bean, si! como los dulcecitos) aparecio... es medio dificil de ver la plantita, pues es bien chiquitita.. pero esta ahi! ;)
Also today one of the jelly-bean tomatos popped out of the soil... it is kind of hard to see, because it is so tinny .. but it is there! :D