Our Baby Bahia has born :: Nuestra Bebe Bahia ha nacido
Finally the day came when we could feel close the moment when we will hug our baby for the first time! On Tuesday, August 28 -her due date- Leila felt that still there was a long way for the baby to come. With her mom went for a walk, and we had a normal day, watched a movie and while getting ready to do the last things of our daily routine (wash our teeth, check mail and so on) Leila's bag of water broke and we called the hospital... it was around 9:15 that we went there and they checked her.
Her belly was still high -normally the belly "drops" to give birth. The doctors and nurses started giving her petosin, since there were no contractions yet. The story is long, labor took about 28 hours at the end, and it was quite hard because once contractions came they were very painful for Leila, she was feeling them around her ribs and wouldn't let her breath in general. We wanted to have a natural birth, but not only the baby was high up, also she was coming face up instead of down. Leila tried and pushed and the baby was able to come down, but after three hours of pushing (that is after 24 hours of being already in labor) she was exausted and since there was still a long way, we decided to go for the C-section, something that she is happy with! :) So, the baby was born on Thursday, August 30th, at 1:29 am.
Our baby is very beautiful, her name is Bahia, and we were so happy to finally meet her and hold her. Nuri is a great Dad, we have been sharing the joy of bathing her, changing her diapers and play with her, and soon once she is very used to breastfeeding he also will be able to feed her using Leila's milk in a bottle! :D
We have decided to start a blog with photos of Bahia and all about her, especially for her grandparents, aunts and uncles, and of course all her family and friends to follow up her growth. THANK YOU EVERYONE for your loving support through your messages and prayers!! The address of the blog is www.bahia-eady.blogspot.com
Finalmente llego el dia cuando nos acercabamos al momento para abrazar a nuestra bebe por primera vez! El martes 28 de agosto a Leila se le rompio la bolsa de agua y a eso de las 9:15 fuimos al hospital para que la examinen y ahi comenzo el trabajo de parto.
Su barriga aun seguia arriba -generalmente "baja" para dar a luz. Le administraron hormonas para que comiencen las contracciones.. la historia es larga, el trabajo de parto tomo unas 28 horas hasta el nacimiento, fue bastante dificil pues las contracciones, una vez que comenzaron, eran muy dolorosas para Leila pues las sentia alrededor de las costillas y no la dejaban respirar. Nosotros queriamos un parto normal, pero no solamente la bebe estaba aun muy arriba, sino que tambien venia de cara. Leila hizo todo lo que pudo, empujo hasta que la bebe bajo, pero despues de tres horas de pujar (y eso despues de 24 horas en el asunto) estaba tan cansada que no podia pujar ni hacer nada mas y faltaba mucho para que la bebe salga, asi que decidimos hacer una cesarea y ella esta feliz con el resultado! :) De esta manera, nuestra niña nacio el 30 de agosto a las 1:29 de la madrugada.
Nuestra bebe es preciosa, su nombre es Bahia y estamos tan felices de conocerla finalmente y poderla abrazar. Nuri es un gran padre, hemos compartido el placer de cuidarla, bañarla, cambiar sus pañales y jugar con ella, pronto cuando este tan familiar con tomar el pecho Nuri podra tambien darle la leche de Leila via mamadera! :D
Hemos decidido comenzar un blog con fotos de Bahia y todo sobre ella, especialmente para sus abuelitos, tias y tios, y claro esta, para que todos, familia y amigos, puedan ver su crecimiento. GRACIAS A TODOS por sus bellos mensajes y oraciones, es nuestro mejor regalo para ella!! La direccion es www.bahia-eady.blogspot.com
Her belly was still high -normally the belly "drops" to give birth. The doctors and nurses started giving her petosin, since there were no contractions yet. The story is long, labor took about 28 hours at the end, and it was quite hard because once contractions came they were very painful for Leila, she was feeling them around her ribs and wouldn't let her breath in general. We wanted to have a natural birth, but not only the baby was high up, also she was coming face up instead of down. Leila tried and pushed and the baby was able to come down, but after three hours of pushing (that is after 24 hours of being already in labor) she was exausted and since there was still a long way, we decided to go for the C-section, something that she is happy with! :) So, the baby was born on Thursday, August 30th, at 1:29 am.
Our baby is very beautiful, her name is Bahia, and we were so happy to finally meet her and hold her. Nuri is a great Dad, we have been sharing the joy of bathing her, changing her diapers and play with her, and soon once she is very used to breastfeeding he also will be able to feed her using Leila's milk in a bottle! :D
We have decided to start a blog with photos of Bahia and all about her, especially for her grandparents, aunts and uncles, and of course all her family and friends to follow up her growth. THANK YOU EVERYONE for your loving support through your messages and prayers!! The address of the blog is www.bahia-eady.blogspot.com
Finalmente llego el dia cuando nos acercabamos al momento para abrazar a nuestra bebe por primera vez! El martes 28 de agosto a Leila se le rompio la bolsa de agua y a eso de las 9:15 fuimos al hospital para que la examinen y ahi comenzo el trabajo de parto.
Su barriga aun seguia arriba -generalmente "baja" para dar a luz. Le administraron hormonas para que comiencen las contracciones.. la historia es larga, el trabajo de parto tomo unas 28 horas hasta el nacimiento, fue bastante dificil pues las contracciones, una vez que comenzaron, eran muy dolorosas para Leila pues las sentia alrededor de las costillas y no la dejaban respirar. Nosotros queriamos un parto normal, pero no solamente la bebe estaba aun muy arriba, sino que tambien venia de cara. Leila hizo todo lo que pudo, empujo hasta que la bebe bajo, pero despues de tres horas de pujar (y eso despues de 24 horas en el asunto) estaba tan cansada que no podia pujar ni hacer nada mas y faltaba mucho para que la bebe salga, asi que decidimos hacer una cesarea y ella esta feliz con el resultado! :) De esta manera, nuestra niña nacio el 30 de agosto a las 1:29 de la madrugada.
Nuestra bebe es preciosa, su nombre es Bahia y estamos tan felices de conocerla finalmente y poderla abrazar. Nuri es un gran padre, hemos compartido el placer de cuidarla, bañarla, cambiar sus pañales y jugar con ella, pronto cuando este tan familiar con tomar el pecho Nuri podra tambien darle la leche de Leila via mamadera! :D
Hemos decidido comenzar un blog con fotos de Bahia y todo sobre ella, especialmente para sus abuelitos, tias y tios, y claro esta, para que todos, familia y amigos, puedan ver su crecimiento. GRACIAS A TODOS por sus bellos mensajes y oraciones, es nuestro mejor regalo para ella!! La direccion es www.bahia-eady.blogspot.com