Monday, January 15, 2007

Tour of the Capitol - Madison, WI

We went for a tour of the Capitol here in Madison. Well, all we can remember is that is the second largest Capitol in the country, and it is a gorgeous building. It is a wonderful tour so we will take you there anytime you come and visit. Here are some pictures...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Wedding / Anniversary

During our stay up in Land O'Lakes we went to the wedding of Courtney & Daryl. Courtney's family and the Eady-Schwartz family are good friends.. and the wedding celebration for us was double, theirs and the 30th anniversary of Mom & Dad, Nancy and Robert that is!! :)


Mientras visitamos Land O'Lakes participamos de la boda de Courtney & Daryl. La familia de Courtney y la de Nuri son muy cercanas.. y la celebracion fue doble para nosotros, pues celebramos su boda y el 30 aniversario del casamiento de Nancy & Robert, los padres de Nuri!! :)

Friday, January 05, 2007

Family :: Familia

While in Land O'Lakes we are enjoying being with Mom & Dad, Daniel, Ian and Ruhiyyih. As you can imagine the days went by working on projects at home, some days going out for walks or cross country skiing, and enjoying great home food!!

We welcomed year 2007 in the company of the Waters and felt like including them in this family blogging! ;)