Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Plantitas!! :)

Aqui van algunas fotos para mi abuelita Elenita de nuestros brocolis y melones :)

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Today was the Race Unity Day celebration at the Capitol, where the Baha'i community of Madison sponsored a four-hour program combining dances, music and performances from all around the world. We came back from camping at about the time it started, we went home, changed and grabbed our bikes and went to watch the program. We didn't have many photos left, so, here are some expressing the esentials! ;)


Hoy fue la celebracion del Dia de la Unidad de Razas, la comunidad Baha'i de Madison organizo un programa en los jardines del Capitolio, cuatro horas de musica, bailes y arte de varias culturas del mundo. Cuando volvimos de acampar, fuimos a casa a cambiarnos y en nuestras bicicletas fuimos a ver el programa. No teniamos muchas fotos en la camara, asi que aqui van algunas para expresar lo esencial!

Drumbs from Okinawa :: Tambores de Okinawa

Saya from Bolivia :: La Saya de Oruro!

Some of the Baha'is from our community :: Algunos Baha'is de nuestra comunidad

For those who know Justin and Quddus, they had just arrived and the organizers of the program pulled them to do the sounds!! What a spirit of service, trully, especially Justin, who we could see was still very tired because he had arrived that very morning!! :)

To end the performances a Native American performed a Unity Dance and slowly slowly everyone joined the circle of unity :: Para terminar el programa, un indigena americano hizo el Baile de la Unidad y de a poco todos se le unieron en un circulo de unidad :D

Camping :: Acampando

After visiting the Temple on Saturday, Lua & Hadi, Jinting, Dr. Yu, and us we camped in between Chicago and Madison, Lua found a nice place called Big Foot Beach Park, and we enjoyed a "Hobo-dinner" on the camp fire, made s'mores, and talked until was time to go to bed! :) - Photos taken by Jinting


Despues de visitar el Templo el sabado, Lua & Hadi, Jinting, Dr. Yu y nosotros acampamos en el camino entre Chicago y Madison. Lua encontro un lindo lugar y alli preparamos comida en la fogata (basicamente cada uno se preparaba un bollito con todo tipo de vegetales, papas picadas, salchichas y queso dentro de papel aluminio), rostizamos mashmelos y la pasamos lindo charlando! - Fotos tomadas por Jinting

Visiting the Temple :: Visitando el Templo

With a group of youth from Madison we visited the Baha'i House of Worship in Chicago last Saturday; there we met with Mithaq, Mihdi and Sina Vahedi (from India) who are living and studying in that city. We went with Lua and Hadi, Sara (from Minneapolis), Jinting and Dr. Yu (Chinese friends), Melissa (Milwakee), and Lea (California)... and if you add us, we were a party of 9!!! :)

It was very special visit to all of us, for Sara, Melissa, Lea, Jinting and Dr. Yu, was the first time visiting the Temple, and the first time they were at a Baha'i House of Worship. We were able to learn about the story of its building, we of course had plenty of time to pray and meditate, and later we went in the gardens and took photographs!! Here are some for you to share our joy... you were all with us in our prayers!! :)


Visitamos la Casa de Adoracion Baha'i con un grupo de jovenes de Madison este sabado pasado; alli nos encontramos con amigos de la India, Mithaq, Mihdi y Sina, quienes viven y estudian en Chicago. Nuestro grupo consistia de Lua & Hadi, Sara (Minneapolis), Jinting y el Dr. Yu (de la China), Melissa (Milwakee), Lea (California), quienes con nosotros formamos un grupo de 9!! ;)

Fue una visita muy especial para todos, para Sara, Melissa, Lea, Jinting y el Dr. Yu fue la primera vez que visitaron el Templo. Alli escuchamos la historia de su construccion, oramos y meditamos entre sus muros de encaje, y luego visitamos los jardines y tomamos fotos, asi que ahora podemos compartirlas con ustedes ya que estaban todos en nuestras oraciones! :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Photos :: Fotos

Our harvest this weekend :: Nuestra cosecha del fin de semana :D

Thursday, June 01, 2006

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For those interested in our garden and its progress, here are some photos taken today. We ate our first strawberries, and this weekend we will eat a lot of greens with our salad. We also took away the "greenhouses" (those plastic bottles covering our plants) and hopefully with the warm weather our cabbage and broccoli will survive. As well, we planted the rest of our seeds and plants... and of course, as they are many, we will continue tomorrow.
Para aquellos interesados en nuestro jardin y su desarrollo, aqui van fotos tomadas hoy. Comimos nuestras primeras frutillas y este fin de semana comeremos nuestra primera enselada. Tambien removimos los "invernaderos" (aquellas botellas de plastico que cubrian nuestras plantas) y ojala que con el clima calido nuestros brocolis y repollos sobrevivan. Tambien plantamos el resto de nuestras semillas y plantitas... y como son muchas, seguiremos manana.